Monday, November 16, 2009

Last week of the '09 Summer CSA

Dear Sirs and Madams,
Congratulations. You made it. You have eaten through a 6 month local season! This week is the last week of the Summer CSA - it will be a double share. Most of the food will be quite storable, so it should last you through next week. Think Thanksgiving. We are proud to have been able to share the season with you, you are a fine bunch of eaters. If you're interested, here are some good conversation piece facts about all of you as a CSA membership. On average each week you eat: 100 celeriac, 300 pounds of carrots, 10 bushels of potatoes, 375 winter squash, 375 garlic bulbs, 12 thirty gallon totes of kale, 2 thirty gallon totes of collards, 750 heads of broccoli, 350 heads of lettuce, 150 pounds of beets, and about 200 bunches of celery. That's not a complete list, but it's a good starting place. As a group you purchase about 70 dozen eggs a week. Food! I love producing and giving out food. My sister used to tease me that I would create what she termed "food emergencies" before I had a farm. A typical food emergency would consist of me buying 5 bushels of apples that were about to go bad and then being compelled to can them all in one evening. Well, now I can create roughly the same scenarios, but they aren't emergencies. You, the membership eat the ton or so of produce now so I don't have to can it. I think I just love being surrounded by lots of food. There's something deeply gratifying about growing food for all of you. Thanks for eating.

Business notes:
We still have plenty of room left in the winter share. Sign up!
We will take down payments for next summer's CSA when ever you want to join. the price is not set yet, but will be roughly the same as this summer. This early sign up money REALLY helps us get the season rolling, which, to a farmer's way of calculating, is just around the corner.

This week's veggies:
(remember, double)
potatoes, carrots, beets, hakurei turnips, parsnips,
escarole, endive, tatsoi, pac choi, raddichio, kale, collards
celeriac, celery, daikon, radishes, napa cabbage

Thanks, and see you at the farm,

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